
Hey guys!

I feel like there's a lot of things going on when it comes to my writing, but I will try my best to make sure you will stay up to date on some of my short stories and even upcoming publishings. Ooooh :P

First off, school season is back and it's busier than ever. I am a junior in college so that means I'm trying my best to end it off right so my writing may be a little off schedule since I'm going to be busy with studying and all that good stuff. On a second note, that means stories may or may not be put up on Mondays due to busyness or something of the sort but I will try my best to make sure it makes it up before the week ends. Which brings me to my next topic...

Since I'm going to be busy, the next story coming might be a little prolonged, but I'm thinking of having one of my horror stories up next so make sure you stay in tuned. I am thinking of having one of my earlier works of when I just started writing horror up.

As always, I want to thank everyone for reading my stuff and hopefully I will be something more than a self published blogger. Thank you and keep reading! :)

A.B. Manago~

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