New Year, New You?

Hey guys, how's your 2019 going so far? Mine has been pretty good. Somewhat uneventful since I'm on winter break. I'm just waiting to start school and then it will be eventful. I should have written this as the new year was starting but I thought this was a good time to see where everyone is at with their new year's resolutions and lives in general.

I do admit: I am one of those people that do make new year's resolutions but they're normally small ones that I can easily accomplish like reading a certain amount of books or saving a certain amount of money each month. What I don't get is people that say they don't make new year's resolutions but they still have goals in mind.

New year's resolutions are just goals that you want to accomplish in the course of a year, right? So why not make plans to accomplish that goal? For me, this year is all about focusing on finishing my education, reworking on my writing portfolio, and working on my physical health. (The holidays is the worst time for me since I love food too much.)

Whether it's losing weight or saving money, these are goals that can be accomplished within the year (or even months if you put your mind to it.) So what about you guys? What are your new year's resolutions? What are your goals? What do you want to do this year?

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