Late Night Thoughts

Hey guys, I know it's really late but I thought I might as well write a bit since I'm up and not exactly ready to go to bed. Then again, I'm always not ready to go to bed. I blame the night owl in me.

Anyways, I know my posts lately have been about my writing style and my writing journey when it comes to horror and the genre but I thought I might take some time to catch up on what's been going on for the first half of the year.

First of all, I've been keeping myself preoccupied by writing, writing, and more writing. As some of you know, I am in the last year of my college career (Woot for me!) so my writing always had to be put on the side in order for me to finish summer school, but when I'm not hitting the books, I'm hitting either the notebooks or my laptop. If it's not my personal writing, I'm working on projects out the ass. I've been working on stories/novels that could somewhat be published in the near future and also short stories that have been submitted to contests or competitions. That's right. I'm actually trying to win some money to gain that income. It definitely makes me want to work harder on my craft.

I've always been nervous about putting my own creations out in the real world but I thought a little exposure couldn't hurt and now that I look back, my first story that I submitted was the worst out of all of them since I had written it in a rush and I only had 42 hours to write it, but I got it done. The exposure, the experience, and the writing just makes me love the craft even more. I've even had a few ideas when it comes to my blogs, more particular on my movie review blog since I do want some sort of income on them.

As most of you know, Mango Bits Reviews has and always will be my baby. I have put a lot of time and effort to just make it to where it is now and I may be promoting it a bit right now but it got my head spinning on some ideas on how to create some income. Of course, fundraisers like GoFundme and Facebook have given me ideas and even marketing it on my social media has only gotten me so far. I was actually thinking merch wise. If anyone would actually buy something of mine. It's still a work in process but I think it would be cool as well as Youtube videos accompanying it (even though I hate the sound of my own voice).

I know: Lots of work and ideas but it's kept me on my toes. Not just on my writing but on my audience. Audience is a big factor in a creator's mind, so I know some of you are thinking "Why am I bothering reading this long blog post?" Well, I know some of you like to read and some of you actually support other artists.

Writing is just another form of art. I always supported my friends that were starting a business, starting Youtube videos, or just needed support in general. I always thought it was nice when it was given back especially in something that I am really passionate about. I also like to think that there are others like me; people who have a dream but don't know where to go with it. Since I am creating a background in accounting, I have my ground beneath me firm and steady. Some people think of the aiming for the clouds but they don't realize if they fall, they're going to fall through the cracks and I hate to see that for someone who is trying really hard to reach a goal.

Anyways, this post is a little longer than my other ones. I will post some more later on this week since I am a little behind on some of my blog posts. Until then, keep reading!


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