

That word has been slowly creeping itself in my life and I'm not going to lie: it's scaring me shitless.

I could be enjoying my day, doing my schoolwork and then next thing you know, I come home, get the mail, and boom: bills, responsibilities, nonsense.

I know I'm complaining about being an adult but right now, it's hard. I don't know how moms do it. I don't know how college students that work full time do it. It's like you're juggling so many things and the world is about to crush you, and yet some people can keep going with a smile on their face and say "I got this."

Granted, I am one of those people that suck it up and luckily I have an outlet, but I just feel bad for the other people who don't have as much help as I do or the support others do.

It's difficult having to live from paycheck to paycheck. It's difficult trying to make sure you're on top of your bills. Not only that, dealing with people you don't want to deal with? It kind of sucks. It's like all you want to do is sleep the problems away or hope a meteor crashes into the Earth so you don't have to wake up to work the next day, but you know what I have to say to all this?

Take it one day at a time and that's all you can do.

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