My Writing Journey

Hey guys, I was going to write something pertaining to Valentine's Day but I realize I'm kind of late on that. Oh well.

Anyways, I know I've been slowly getting back into my personal blog, but I thought I might as well make this a little bit more personal. You got a taste of what the past few years of my life has been in last month's post. I decided to do some self-reflecting on what is my writing career as of right now since I'm actually moving forward with it.

I started writing at a young age but that was because I got a journal as a gift and I thought at the time it was cool writing your thoughts in a book. At the age of 12 I started actually writing stories and novels. That's when I knew my calling.

As I grew up, I started developing a writing style, a genre I really enjoy writing, and grew comfortable with the hobby. Once I entered my 20's I wanted to earn some money for the passion. I'm still working on it, but I am currently part of the Scarlet and Grey Freepress (UNLV's newspaper) and Beyond Thought (a Creative Art Journal at UNLV). Even though they don't pay, I'm still getting my work out there and it's the recognition and appraisal that counts when it comes to being a writer.

I've been giving some thought to this blog since it is my first blog. I have so many ideas and it's sometimes hard to organize it all but I can't wait to share it with you all. I know my posts are also oddly spaced out but it's mainly once a month unless it's one of my pieces from the newspaper. Until then, keep reading~

                                                        ~A.B. Manago

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