Dear Mom

I love you and I want to be the best daughter I can be. I just wish you can see the way I see things and the way I view things... Too bad it will forever be judged in your eyes.

Most people will say I love my mom. "She's my best friend." For me, I don't exactly like being with you for more than an hour. Want to know why?

For the past couple years, I've been trying to reach out to you and be more communicative with you. I have dinner with you, hang out with you, and even go bowling with you. Yet, every Christmas for the past few years, my card from you is a novel and always has so many "lessons" you're trying to instill in me when we should just enjoy the time we have together.

"You are so blessed to have me and your father. Some women your age are out struggling to make a living and don't know where and how they are going to pay their bills and feed their family."

Thanks for the lesson Mom. You couldn't tell me this in a calm voice? Nope. It's written out on my Christmas card.

"As I'm getting older I try so hard to have a relationship with you and be your mom but it seems like you always come up with all the excuses to not spend time with me."

Yet, you try to make plans when I have plans. Some of them can be flexible but things like school, I have no power over that. I can't just skip class because you want to go out of town.

Mom, you will always be my mom and I will always be your daughter. I'm sorry I'm not perfect and that I strained our relationship, but what more is there to say except I love you and please stop being judgmental on how I'm living my life? I'm healthy and alive and isn't that what a mom wants for their children?

Instead of berating me, you can just have a conversation with me. No need to pull the victim card of feeling hurt because I'm not spending time with you. No need to tell me that I come up with excuses to not spend time with you. I just need you to understand that I have my life and you have your life. I'm not telling you how to live your life so isn't that how it should be?

As your one and only daughter, I wish you can tell that I've tried and I don't want any more fights. I love you.

Happy Mother's Day Mom.

With love,


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