Why I'm Not A Published Yet

Hey guys, how's your day going? Mine is going pretty well. I was in the middle of a Dean Koontz book when it hit me I haven't written anything for this month besides my little letter to my Mom which I'm pretty sure she read. Anyways, the other day I was at my day job and I was asked what I really wanted to do.

As a writer, I have always wanted to be published. To see my name on a hardcover book and have it in my hands. That's any writer's dream. The thing is with today's technology and the Internet being at the tip of our fingertips, anyone can be published. A published blogger. A published writer. (It's actually one of my biggest pet peeves to see someone that says they're a blogger or a writer, and there's no proof or even self promotion of their work) So being published through a publisher is a LOT harder than it seems.

Believe me. I've tried searching and even though there are those websites that are promoting that there are writing jobs, you still have to pay your way to get into the website and get those writing jobs and be published. For those that know me well know that I have always wanted to write whether I was getting paid or not. It's just when you've been writing ever since you were a little kid, you kind of want something for something you've been your time in.

I've been suggested a couple publishers like Amazon or Google, and if it comes down to it, I wouldn't mind seeing my name on an e-book. It may not be the dream that I wanted but it's something that I have wanted for a long time. I was just reading Stephen King's On Writing not too long ago and he mentions receiving rejection letters and pinning them on his wall. Since everything is done on the Internet nowadays, I can honestly say I have my fair share of rejection letters from newspapers and magazines. I'm just not the right "fit" I guess.

I know one of these days, it'll come to me as long as I keep writing and doing what I love doing. If you're in the same boat as me, don't quit and don't get discouraged. We got this!

Until next time, keep reading!


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