There's No Such Thing as a Bad Idea


Hey guys, how's it going? If you have noticed me being moody in my past few blog posts, it's because my mental health has not been 100% but it's okay especially with what's going on in the world but I promised that I would be writing more so here I am!

Anyways, you can imagine the amount of free time I have especially for my writing whether it be personal, my stories/novels, or Mango Bits but I've had my fair share of ideas I thought I could share, because I won't know what you guys would want if I don't bring them onto the table.

So the first idea that came to mind especially with Mango Bits was swag. It is a little pricey if I don't do this right though so I would like more input on what you guys would like when it comes to swag, because it has come to my attention that some people wouldn't mind a hoodie that has Mango Bits Reviews on it or a sticker for my fellow writers out there. I have also thought about stickers as swag. The thing is it does require a little bit of a visual aspect and I'm not so good when it comes to drawing as much as writing. The visual aspect goes for all swag so if my fellow artists are down to draw me something that would be awesome.

I have been on the fence about swag mainly because it does cost a bit to get some swag. But I wouldn't mind trying it out so if you would like some kind of swag, let me know!

So I've been really thinking about my movie review blog because it has been my hobby for over five years. I just know not everyone likes to read especially when it comes to a writing blog or the fact that I'm not even published yet but what about a YouTube for Mango Bits or even my own personal YouTube?

With everything being remote, I've seen quite a bit of my friends using their YouTube. Maybe to get that extra money or just to pass the time but when's a better time than now? It's been an idea that I've been thinking about so maybe you'll see one in the future. 

Yup. I have come to a conclusion that I'm going to be self publishing and with the amount of time I've had, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to be using Amazon's publishing services to get my writing up and running. 

I've thought about this long and hard mainly because as an aspiring author I would like to have my own personal book in my hands and in my bookcase and it's possible with Amazon's publishing services. It's also not too expensive. I'm pretty sure I have to go through an editing process though so it will take some time for this idea to be fully going.

I would like some feedback but knowing the amount of comments that flow in my inbox I know I have to come up to a conclusion on these ideas. I just thought it would be nice to put it out there to at least get a thumbs up or down on something. 

Anyways, thanks again for everyone that has been reading not only this blog but Mango Bits. If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't be having these ideas but I just want to keep the creative juices flowing. 

So stay safe. Have a great day and don't forget to keep reading!

~A.B. Manago

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