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It's 2021 and we're somewhat back to normal

Hey guys, how's it going? I know it's been a minute since I last wrote on this blog. I've been a little bit busy with life and all that jazz but I'm here now sooo how's everybody's day going?  Boy.... Has it been a crazy year or what? If you live in the US, it was basically (almost) one year ago when things started to lock down and close down completely because of the Coronavirus. It kind of took a damper on some of the businesses and those of us who were working in those businesses, but I thought of it as an experience as an aspiring entrepreneur. As some of you know, I have been going ham with these movie reviews since that's all I've been doing the past year (while scrolling through Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+). I've been really enjoying it. I even had a fair share of writer's block because there are some movies that I don't exactly like but I still manage to put somewhat of a decent review.  I would also like to say Thank You to all you gu

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